Born in Houston, Texas, on December 14 1921, Bill was the only child of Grace Josey. He attended public schools in Houston and the University of Texas in Austin, where he earned a masters degree in psychology. It was also at the University of Texas that Bill met his future bride, Mary Louise Joyce. During the Second World War, Bill Served as an officer in the U.S. Navy, commanding a Patrol Torpedo boat in the Pacific theater. Returning from active duty in 1946, he married Marie in Miami, and on completion of his military service, the couple relocated to Houston. Their first child Bill Jr., was born in 1947, and in 1948, the young family moved to Galveston, where Bill attended the University of Texas Medical School. His medical education was permanently interupted when he was bedridden by mumps, which he contracted from Bill Jr., so the family moved back to Houston.


ID:           AUG  24'00           8:15 No 0O1 P .02


   Thank you for taking the time to talk. with me aboul our mutual interest in Amelia Earhart. Despite the urgings of my family and other P.T. boaters, this letter represents the first time: I have committed this story to writing.


   During World War 11, I was the first engineer on PT. 184 in Squadron II. At the time of this incident, we had been operating throughout most of the Solomon islands and were awaiting our new assignment at Rendove island


   On March l8 I 944 we were briefed on our new orders by our Skipper, Lt. Bill Josey, from Hounton Texas. We were to invade and eatabiitth a base of operation at Emirau island in the St. Mathis group, North of New Ireland island and New Britain island with the objective of cutting off the Japanese base of Tnik island from the Solomon Islands.


    Lt. Josey emphasnied that we were to be vigilant for evidence of Amelia Eahart. this was of great interest to me. As a young man not even of age when the war began, I had grown up with Amelia Earhart, Charles Lindburg and Wiley Post as heros


   On March 20 we invaded Emirau and anchored in Hamburg Bay. From there we began patrols to the north of New Hanover and Mussau island. As was the practice with the PT squadrons, we patrolled all night and worked at base during the day. We stayed. close to the area at all times because, on her radio program, “The Zero Hour” Tokyo Rose broadcast that the Japanese were going to invade and. attempt to retake the island.


ID:           AUG 24’OO           8:16 No.001 P.03


Ms. Joan Hubbard

March 7, 2000

Page 2


   By March 22, I had become curious about the natives in the village that ran along the Hamburg Bay beach. Each morning they went empty-handed in the jungle and returned later with hand woven baskets of food-Papayas, breadfruit, bananas and other exotic foods—which they had foraged from the jungle.


   I was an outdoorsman and, naturally, wanted to learn more about the villagers and their way of life. Alter obtaining permission to go ashore, I swam into the reef and over it onto the Beach. It was then that I discovered the breakers were too large for me to swim during the return to the boat.


   The end native hut on the left had several outrigger canoes nearby. One was small, about a two-man size, and would safely carry me back to our boat. So, I set out to buy it. For some reason I had a penny and a nickel in the pocket of my cut-offs. I polished them in the sand and, using “Pigeon English" and drawings in the sand, negotiated with the young man in the hut for the canoe. It was at this point that I noticed a board with several photographs on it hanging from the center post of the young man's hut.


   The second photograph [from the leftj was of Amelia Earhart. Three other people posed with her in the photo. From left to right they were the native from whom I had purchased the canoe, a Japanese naval officer replete with Samurai sword and Imperial Marine hat, Amelia Earhart and the local Missionary. Amelia was dressed as we all knew her--with a white blouse, dark slacks and white scarf. The young man from whom I had purchased the canoe was the helper to the Missionary. In the background was a building the native identified as the school on Mussau Island, some 18 miles away.


   I asked the native about Amelia, and he said she had come to Mussau with the Japan officer and left with him.


   With that, I paddled back to my boat. After mulling over what I had seen for a couple of hours, I told Lt. Josey about the photo. Naturally, he wanted to see it for himself, so I paddled Lt. Josey to the beach, He, too determined the photo to be real and asked that I return him to our boat.


ID:           AUG 24’OO           8:16 No.001 P.04

Ms. Joan Hubbard

March 7, 2000

Page 3


   At the time, we were under radio silence, and this status was to be broken only for true emergencies or matters of urgent importance. Upon returning to our boat, Lt. Josey went directly to the Squadron office on base, where he spoke with our Squadron Commander, Leroy Taylor. They then broke radio Silence and reported the information to the appropriate U.S. naval authorities.


   At sunrise two days later, a PBY (Black Cat) flying boat landed in the bay, anchored and an aircraft rearming boat picked up its passenger. He came to our boat, where he asked for Lt. Josey and me. Identifying himself as Naval Intelligence, the officer was attired in dress blues, which seemed out of place in our equatorial setting. The officer instructed us to show him the photo of Amelia. I took Lt. Josey and the officer to the beach in the Rearming boat.


   The officer questioned the native, asking about other pictures or negatives. He knew of none, said the Missionary wss dead, and responded that he knew nothing about the Japanese officer. With that, the Naval Intelligence Officer took the photograph from its mount, put it into a piece of paper and. inserted the package into an envelope, which he placed in his coat pocket. When the native objected, the officer grabbed the native with one hand, placed his other hand on his side arm, and let the native know his life was in jeopardy.


   Then, we returned to the PBY. Before hIs departure, I asked the officer many questions, which he simply did not respond to. He said only that he was from Naval Intelligence, but would not tell us where he was based. However, the officer did tell me he would soon let us know the outcome of this incident. With that, the officer took off. We never heard from him again.


   A few days later the Sea Bees completed our new base, and we moved our operation on to the northeast side of Emirau in Homestead Lagoon.


   When our radio blackout was lifted, Lt. Josey contacted our Naval Intelligence operation in the rear area asking what they had learned about the photo of Amelia. Their reply came a few days later; they knew nothing of what we were inquIring about.


ID:           AUG 24’OO           8:17 No001 P

Ms. Joan Hubbard

March 7, 2000

Page 4


   Lt. Josey and I discussed the situation and concluded that the photo had been taken after Amelia left New Guinea. The statements by the native seemed to confirm this, Lt.Josey said he would contact our Naval Intelligence operation again after our next patrol, which he did.


   On this second occasion, he inquired about the Naval Intelligence Officer we met on Emirau A couple of patrols later we received a message stating that no Naval Intelligence had been in the area.


   Lt. Josey's famiy owned the Housion Post at that time, This background caused him to believe our story deserved further investigation and he made other contacts,


   Upon returning from patrol a few days later, our base contacted. us and ordered Lt. Josey to be dropped off there for debriefing. This did not seem unusual, and Josey thought he would be reporting on the previous nights patrol. We took the boat on to fuel up and re-supply our ammunition.


    Later, when we returned to the dock for Lt. Josey, he appeared almost in shock, He was pale and agitated. The Lieutenant handed me a dispatch and. ordered me to read It, which I did. The message which bore an original signature, was from the Commander of’ the South Pacific (COMSOPAC) and read as foflows


Lt Jg. Josey

Com. PT. 184

Sqd. 11



                                                                             (Signed Chester Nimitz)

   In my naivete, I asked Lt. Josey what the message really meant in Navy terms. He told me we were never to discuss this matter again and that it never happened. We never mentioned it between us again..


ID            AUG 24’OO           8:17 No P

Ms. Joaxi Hubbard

March 7, 2000

Page 6


   In the past few years, I have become associated with an organization of former World War II PT boaters, which allowed me to research the whereabouts of the three other individuals I served with who knew about the Amelia photograph. All(listed below) are deceased, and I do not know to this day the identity of the Naval Intelligence Officer.


Lt. Bill Josey

Commander P.T. 184


Compton V. Swanson        

Executive Officer

P.T. 184


Leroy Taylor

Squadron Commander


   Many years went by with this experience on my mind as I tried to understand it In May 1999 my wife and I had the opportunity to visit the Admiral. Nimitz Museum in Fredericksburg. Much to my suprise, I found in the museum an exhibit on Amelia Eathart, which basically covered her career and fatal flight.


   The last item in the display was a statement by Nimitz that appeared to me to be an official Naval dispatch signed by the Admiral. I recall that it said, “It is time the American people know that Amelia arhart was I fact an agent of the Ilnited States on mission. She was apprehended by the Japanese in the Pacific and executed in the Marshall Islands by the Japanese.”


   The photograph that I found on Emirau and. that was reported by P.T. 184 seems to support this statement.

